N-600 series dial type intelligent digital display temperature controller

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N囗囗-囗囗囗囗  囗 囗- 囗

   ① ② ③④⑤⑥    ⑦   ⑧ 

①Shell color                                    ⑤ Input type: 1: thermocouple 2: thermal resistance    

G: grey;                                              K(-50-999); J (-50-999) ;E(-50-999)

②The frame size  (mm)                                Pt100(-50-650);Pt100(-19.9-99.9);CU50-19.9-99.9)

D: 96 x 96; E: 72 x 72;  F:96x48                          ⑥The output type

③Number code                                   Empty: relay (Max 3A)   

6:Double row shows                                V: Logic output (for SSR control of solid state relays)

④Types of control                                    ⑦The lower limit range

0: bit control(Heating type)                             ⑧   Maximum range

4: time proportional PID control(Heating type)

The control panel:图片4.png

1. (PV) display (red)

Display the measured value.

Display various prompts according to the status of the instrument.

2.Given value (SV) display (green)

Display the given value.

Display various prompts according to the status of the instrument.

3.indicator light

The control output lamp (on) (green) is on when working output.

The control output lamp (off) (red) is on when the work is off

4.5Digit adjustment key

Used to adjust numbers, enter and exit AT functions